Our Blog

The value of having access to on-site health services

The value of having access to on-site health services

When Sarah and John began the process of selecting a senior living community for their retirement years, the minor health issues they had faced recently—Sarah’s chronic arthritis had flared up and John learned he has ...
Why older adults should explore new interests

Why older adults should explore new interests

Many of us imagine retirement to be a chapter of our lives filled with relaxation, free schedules and the opportunity to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. However, many older adults with this expectation are often disappointed when ...
‘Smart Seniors’ at Diakon Senior Living: The pursuit of knowledge

‘Smart Seniors’ at Diakon Senior Living: The pursuit of knowledge

After retirement, it can be easy slip into habits that don’t always challenge our minds and bodies. Without careers or family to care for, we can become isolated and out of touch if we aren’t careful. But when we pursue something ...
Overcoming nutritional challenges with older adults

Overcoming nutritional challenges with older adults

You probably have witnessed it: An older relative who just does not eat the same way he or she once did. As we age, our bodies undergo inevitable changes, even when we’re at our best health. Many of these changes affect how we consume, ...
What does the RAISE Family Caregivers Act really mean?

What does the RAISE Family Caregivers Act really mean?

Every year, tens of thousands of family caregivers deliver support and personal care to loved ones without training, pay or, in many cases, help from anyone. In fact, family caregivers make up the core of our nation’s caregiving ...

You may also be interested in Diakon’s overall Many Voices. One Heart. blog.

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