Our Blog

The true costs of homeownership …

The true costs of homeownership …

We recently held several events focused on de-cluttering your home. It’s amazing how much stuff we can accumulate over the years so de-cluttering can be important, particularly as people age. At the same time, some of that ...
When is staying at home no longer safe?

When is staying at home no longer safe?

No one doubts the impact Alzheimer’s disease and similar memory-related illnesses have on older people—and their families.   One of the key issues families face is safety.   Not only do memory-related illnesses make it ...
When short-term rehabilitation becomes long-term care

When short-term rehabilitation becomes long-term care

When older adults face an illness, the need for recovery from a hospitalization or support with daily activities, loved ones may think short-term rehabilitation is the perfect option. Often, it is. But we may also need to consider what ...
Five exercises to improve balance and mobility

Five exercises to improve balance and mobility

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many older adults have been staying at home and communicating with family members via electronic means. That’s certainly a good way to stay safe. But changes in activity levels may mean those ...
Exploring senior living and lifestyle options

Exploring senior living and lifestyle options

Although the COVID pandemic still occupies the news, older adults continue to explore living and lifestyle options. And when it comes time for retirement, experience shows they seek a lifestyle that allows them to sit back, relax, live life ...

You may also be interested in Diakon’s overall Many Voices. One Heart. blog.

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